Life does not happen on its own, nor does faith.  It takes others to help us grow and to serve.  Our committees help to build that and many of the serving elements fall into these committees.  If you would like to serve and help Harlingen continue to grow, note in the calendar when and where these teams meet.  You are welcome to sit in and ask questions.  Our desire is each family helps to represent at least one area of the church.  Where do you see yourself fitting in?

  • Administration, Personnel and Finance - meets typically the 1st Thursday of the month.  Recommends policies, staff needs and budgetary concerns of the church to the consistory (leadership board)
  • Building & Grounds - oversees the general and greater maintenance needs of the church
  • Congregational Care and Fellowship - meets the 2nd Saturday morning to make sure families are being cared for and to make plans for the congregation to grow together through fellowship events for the men, women, children, and the entire congregation.  This includes Nights Out, as well as events like a Somerset Patriots night.
  • Discipleship - Meets to oversee the various discipleship programs of the church from our youth to our small groups.
  • Missions & Outreach - this group plans various ways to share the good news of Jesus with our community.  It ranges from coordinating the monthly Mission of the Month - a collection we raise to support local ministries and/or missionaries, to coordinating mission projects and trips for the congregation to participate.
  • Technology - This group meets the 2nd Monday via Zoom to address the ever changing technological changes needed in a building that is up to 175 years old.
  • Worship and Music - this group meets the 2nd Tuesday and serves for ideas and developing volunteers for various and special worship services and times.