Small groups are the connective tissue of the church.  Church itself is more than Sunday morning, but also a part of our lives where we work together, share together, cry together, and yes, even laugh together.  Small groups are where we take the time to better understand God's Word, and more importantly apply it to our lives through the conversations, prayers, and trust of friends.

Harlingen Church offers serveral opportunities to join together in small group.  Everyone is encourged to find at least one, and if one isn't suitable for you, ask the pastor about how another group can be started.  We currently have:

  • Breakfast with Blessings - a group that meets semi-monthly 8:30 am before church to watch a video teaching and discuss its significance.  Open to any adult
  • Babes With Beatitudes - This is an online group that meets over lunch on Tuesdays, typically every other week.  It is meant for women and will discuss many differing topics from a book study to biblical concepts.
  • Church Ladies - meet every other Wednesday in the Fellowship Hall (known to the members as the Church House).  These ladies meet at 11:30 for lunch and a study usually presented by one of the members of the group.
  • Men's Breakfast is an opportunity for the men to come together for a time of fellowship and study.  One member usually makes breakfast while another will help lead the discussion.  They meet Saturdays at 8:00 am

Contact the church office or check out the calendar for the next meeting times.